Bezoek onze stand (D19) op de Visualize Expo van 25-27 maart.
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LED frames

- LB60S-085200

- LB80D-100200


- FFD-M (muurframe)

- FFD-H (hangend frame)

- FFD-S (vrijstaand frame)

Zippit™ Tubeframes

Zippit Straight 100 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 100 x 150 cm

Zippit Straight 100 x 230 cm

Zippit Straight 100 x 250 cm

Zippit Straight 100 x 300 cm

Zippit Straight 150 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 150 x 150 cm

Zippit Straight 150 x 230 cm

Zippit Straight 150 x 250 cm

Zippit Straight 150 x 300 cm

Zippit Straight 200 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 200 x 150 cm

Zippit Straight 200 x 230 cm

Zippit Straight 200 x 250 cm

Zippit Straight 200 x 300 cm

- Zippit Straight 250 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 250 x 150 cm

Zippit Straight 250 x 230 cm

Zippit Straight 300 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 300 x 150 cm

- Zippit Straight 300 x 230 cm

- Zippit Straight 400 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 400 x 150 cm

Zippit Straight 400 x 230 cm

Zippit Straight 500 x 100 cm

Zippit Straight 500 x 150 cm

Zippit Straight 500 x 230 cm

Zippit Straight 600 x 100 cm

- Zippit Straight 600 x 150 cm

- Zippit Straight 600 x 230 cm

Zippit Curve 300 x 100 cm

Zippit Curve 300 x 150 cm

Zippit Curve 300 x 230 cm

Zippit Curve 400 x 100 cm

Zippit Curve 400 x 150 cm

Zippit Curve 400 x 230 cm

Zippit Curve 500 x 100 cm

Zippit Curve 500 x 150 cm

Zippit Curve 500 x 230 cm

Zippit Curve 600 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bow 100 x 230 cm

Zippit Bow 150 x 230 cm

Zippit Bow 200 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bow 250 x 230 cm

Zippit Bow 300 x 230 cm

Zippit Bow 400 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bow 500 x 230 cm

Zippit Bow 600 x 230 cm

Zippit Traditional 300 x 230 cm

- Zippit Traditional 400 x 230 cm

Zippit Traditional 500 x 230 cm

Zippit Traditional 600 x 230 cm

Zippit Wave 300 x 230 cm

- Zippit Wave 400 x 230 cm

Zippit Wave 500 x 230 cm

Zippit™ Tubeframes Balies

- Zippit Balie A

- Zippit Balie B

- Zippit Balie C

- Zippit Balie D

- Zippit Balie E

- Zippit Balie F

- Zippit Ipad Balie

- Zippit Ipad Display

Zippit™ Tubeframes Bannerstands

Zippit Bannerstand Slim Banner 85 x 200 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Slim Banner 85 x 220 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Slim Banner 100 x 200 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Slim Banner 100 x 220 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Slim Banner 150 x 200 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Slim Banner 150 x 220 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Economy 61 x 229 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Economy 76 x 229 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Economy 92 x 229 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Deluxe 61 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Deluxe 92 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Deluxe 122 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bannerstands Deluxe 153 x 230 cm

- Zippit Bannerstand Outdoor 92 x 233 cm

Zippit™ Tubeframes Fancy frames

Zippit Fancy Frame Snake A

- Zippit Fancy Frame Snake B

Zippit Fancy Frame Snake C

Zippit Fancy Frame Snake D

Zippit Fancy Frame Ribbon A

Zippit Fancy Frame Ribbon B

- Zippit Fancy Frame Ribbon C

Zippit Fancy Frame Ribbon D

Zippit Fancy Frame 3D Rectangle A

Zippit Fancy Frame 3D Rectangle B

Zippit Fancy Frame 3D Moon

- Zippit Fancy Frame Arch Round

Zippit Fancy Frame Arch Bow

Zippit Fancy Frame Arch Square

- Zippit Fancy Frame Tower

- Zippit Fancy Frame Pillar A

- Zippit Fancy Frame Pillar B