
Corner Stormfix Accessories

This unique corner-stormfix is made up of 2 strands (!) 4 mm diameter elastic of high quality, which is fixed in a fiberglass-filled nylon hook with a stainless steel torx pin that can not corrode. The double elastics ensure that the forces on this stormfix are evenly distributed at high wind loads. The bearing capacity of this angle tensioner is therefore 1½ times stronger than the looped 8 mm stormfix (6090SG-20 or 6090SG-20G)!

Distance print to inside frame:
Tube 33.7 mm - Distance 4 cm
Tube 42 mm - Distance 3 cm
Tube 48 mm - Distance 2 cm
  6090SGH-20 6090SGH-20G
System specifications
Type Tensioners Tensioners
Color Black Grey
Specifications individually packaged box
Individually packaged per bag 4 pieces per bag 4 pieces
Masterbox specifications
Number of items in masterbox 1000 1000
Weight (kg) 19 19
Width (cm) 57 57
Height (cm) 34 34
Depth (cm) 39 39
Miscellaneous specifications
Length (mm) 200 200
Cord Thickness (mm) 5 5
Carrying Capacity (kg) 135 135
Distance Print/Tube 33.7 (cm) 4 4
Distance Print/Tube 42 (cm) 3 3
Distance Print/Tube 48 (cm) 2 2

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