Our printservice is fully focused on providing a good full colour print, including tailoring. All prints are printed using sublimation techniques (unless otherwise discussed) and are completely ready to use.
We deliver print service for our Fabric Frames, Pop up Displays and Counters and Zippit™ Tubeframes. For out customers we print mainly on 3 different materials:
The advantage of our printed products is that the prints are always replaceable and can be ordered separately. In addition to standard textile prints used with the textile displays, we also accept custom orders and the optional use of other textile materials.
Delivery time and/or quality may be affected if files do not meet our delivery specifications, which are listed in our template.
Delivery specifications:
Our Upload can handle PDF files of up to 80 mb per file.
File format:
The file should be submitted as PDF. Make sure the file is based on the template offered.
File size and resolution:
The file may have a maximum file size of 80 MB, with a resolution between 72-125 dpi.
Converting text to letter outlines:
All text in the design must be converted to letter outlines (outline).
No cutting marks:
Remove all cutting marks, including trim marks, bleed areas and colour bars from the design file. The final PDF file should contain only the content needed for printing, with no additional markings all around.
Scale 1:1 or 1:10:
The design should be delivered at a scale of 1:1 (actual size) or 1:10 (tenfold reduction).
Please ensure that the proportions and dimensions of the design are correctly represented in the PDF file. Any discrepancies may result in incorrect reproduction when printing.
Printservice ZippitTM Tubeframes